Belinda Wong - Female - Hong Kong » Arab Business Club نادي الأعمال العربي
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Belinda Wong

Female. Lives in Central, Hong Kong. Born on 27May.
Leader Corporate Services Limited
Employment Type
Location of Job
Hong Kong
Start Date
July 2010
End Date
Current Job
About Me
author of Hong Kong Company Secretary's Practice Manual and Hong Kong Company Secretary Checklist
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Belinda Wong
Belinda Wong
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Belinda Wong
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Belinda Wong
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Belinda Wong
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Belinda Wong
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David Cooper
Hi, Brenda, once again I'd really appreciate your acceptance. Could you please be nice and send me your email address so that we can be talking privately.
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David Cooper
Hi, Brenda I do wish you a happy weekend. Ahead
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Belinda Wong
There are a number of issues, conflicts and inconsistencies in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 622). My article in the HKICPA APlus Magazine July 2020 edition shared some of the problems I have identifie...View More
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